Artists' books

'Artists books explore ideas and concepts through form as much as content. They do this by, for example, disrupting the sequence and nature of the page, or using unconventional materials and printing techniques.' (Tate) Books can take many forms such as concertina, flag, tunnels, and some that barely look like books at all.

Some of my books are a mixture between artists' books and photobooks with overarching themes, while others use a single image to explore shapes and dimensions. The images are all printed by me unless otherwise stated, and are original photographic digital prints on fine art photo paper and not reproductions.

If you're interested in my books and would like to talk about any aspect of them, feel free to get in touch with me via Contact or by email at I'm available for commissions.









The pocket flag book outside the integral box

The pocket flag book and box closed.

The pocket flag book opened.

All the envelopes removed from the pockets of the flag book.

A photographic print removed from one of the envelopes.

The box exterior.

An image included in the book.

About the book.

SYCAMORE SAMARAS (2024) is a concertina flag book with pockets and envelopes that contain the photographic prints of the Sycamore samaras. I find it fascinating that from such small seeds, huge trees grow, and especially intriguing are the wind dispersed seeds, (known as samaras) as they have evolved ‘wings’ to enable them to fall in a spiraling motion towards the ground. This has led to their nicknames of ‘Helicopter Seeds’ and ‘Spinning Jenny’.

Details: The integral box measures 180mm w x 170mm h x 90mm d. It is constructed from book boards and is covered in black paper with the spine covered in Atlantic Gulf book cloth with Metal Midmare Gold #34 paper detail. On the lid of the box is a detail of natural dried Sycamore samaras arranged to imitate the spiraling motion of the seeds as they fall. The interior of the box is covered in Metal Midmare Gold #34 paper. The concertina flag book measures 150mm w x 140mm h x 55mm d extending to 260mm wide when opened. It is covered in black paper with Metal Midmare Gold paper detail. When not in use, the book is held closed by a thick black card sleeve. The book interior consists of 7 black card pockets each which holds gold envelops with natural dried Sycamore samaras attached to their covers. Inside 6 of the gold envelopes are photographic prints measuring 75mm w x 110mm h and printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 fine art paper. The 7th gold envelope holds the book title and text plus signature.

This is a single edition book.

£390 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order ‘Sycamore Samaras’ or if you would like to know more about the book.


The flag book opened showing interior

The hard backed covers and book interior.

The front book cover and concertina detail,

One of the book’s images.

About the book

TANGLEWOOD (2024) is a flag book of my photographs of a local wood, ‘Tanglewood’. It records the seasonal colour changes from the bright greens of spring as the trees and woodland floor burst into life, through to the more subtle shades as winter arrives. The structure of the book is tree-like in it’s form.

Details: This is a handmade flag book, which is a type of concertina artists’ book. It has 2 hard backs covered in Atlantic Haze book cloth. The covers measure 420mm H x 160mm W x 12mm D extending to 220mm when opened. There is a natural birch detail sewn onto the front cover. The concertina is constructed from Batik Rustic Brown Nepalese paper, and the photographs are printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285. The title and text of the book are printed on Natural Lokta paper and are held in a pocket on the front endpaper. The endpapers are also made Batik Rustic Brown Nepalese paper.

This is a single edition book.

£130 (SOLD)




Hard backed book cover with soft cover photobook.

Inside the front cover of the photobook.

The concertina photobook showing soft covers.

Interior of the book.

Interior of the photobook.

About the book

MIGHTY OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW (2023) is a soft cover concertina type artists’ photobook contained within hardbacked book covers. The concertina consists of a set of 6 fine art colour photographs attached to form the concertina. The photographs were taken in the ancient oak woodland that surrounds Drum Castle in Aberdeenshire and dates back to the 13th century. It is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The idea for this small book came about as I walked through the oak wood in mid-November and noticed that there were thousands of acorns lying in the leaf litter, many already starting to germinate and may perhaps grow to join these ‘mighty oaks’.

Details: A handmade photobook with soft covers in Nepali Lokta paper which is handmade and screen printed in the Kathmandu Valley. The book measures 120mm h x 175mm w extending to 900mm. The soft cover and first interior page include a laser cut acorn detail made by the artist Hannah Nunn. 6 fine art colour photographs are printed on Fotospeed Natural Soft Textured Bright White 315 paper and are attached with Nepali Lokta paper to form the concertina.

The hard backed book covers measure 170mm w x 225mm h x 20mm d. They are covered in Nepali Lokta paper with the interior endpapers also covered in Nepali Lokta papers in a complementary gold colour. The interior pocket within the hard backed book covers holds the photobook and is made of the same Nepali Lokta paper.

Edition of 5 books. (3 editions of this book are held in the book shop of the Impressions Gallery, Bradford.)

£50 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order ‘Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow’ or if you would like to know more about the book.




Wrap around cover with book inside.

Wrap around cover with one half opened showing title booklet on left.

Title booklet removed from pocket and opened.

Title booklet fully opened.

Wrap around cover fully opened to show book ‘Fieldstones’

The book opened.

The book and warp around cover.

Detail of the Kangxi binding in ribbon.

Image from the book.

Image from the book

About the book

FIELDSTONE (2022) is a commissioned photobook based on my photographs of agricultural boundary dry stone walls in rural Aberdeenshire that are constructed from stones which are removed from fields to allow the land to be worked. Some walls are ancient boundary markers and can be very beautiful even when tumbled down and overgrown.

Details: The photobook is a Japaneses stab bound book using Kangxi binding in silver ribbon with brass eyelet detail. The book features 14 photographic pages printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 attached to black book cloth to allow for the book to be bound. There are a further 3 pages of black book cloth in reverse of which one is printed with the book’s title. The book covers are hard backed and covered in black book cloth. The endpapers are photographs printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Rice Paper 100gsm. The book measures 300mm w x 215mm h x 18mm d.

The hard backed short-sleeve wrap around cover (hansode chitsu) measures 310mm w x 220mm h x 30mm d extending to 180mm w. It is covered in black book cloth reversed and features two hand cut bone clasp closures attached to silver ribbon. The two outer covers endpapers are white cartridge paper and the central endpaper is a photograph printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Rice Paper 100gsm. On the right side sleeve cover interior there is attached an paper pocket that holds a small removable booklet that is the books title. The booklet measures 80mm w x 120mm h and its cover is black book cloth reversed with the title printed. The inside of the booklet features 2 extendable 6 panel gatefold pages printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Rice Paper 100gsm.

This is a one-off photobook

£620 (SOLD)




‘Stormy Weather’ interior

‘Stormy Weather’ interior.

‘Stormy Weather’ book cover.

Image from ‘Stormy Weather’.


STORMY WEATHER (2022) is a tunnel book with additional concertina book and pamphlet booklet all held within the book’s covers. During the winter of 2021/22 there were a series of fierce storms that hit the UK damaging buildings, bringing down power lines and decimating huge areas of forests with some 8 million trees lost. This artists’ book is made in response to the destruction of my local forest where trees were smashed and uprooted by the extremely powerful winds.

Details: This artists’ book features a tunnel made of 9 photographs printed on Fotospeed Matt Ultra 240 with hand cut circles removed to form the tunnel. The photographs measure 288mm w x 203mm h. They are attached to 2 concertinas on each side of the photographs to allow the tunnel to be extended. The concertinas feature the same photograph as shown on the tunnel. The concertina book held within a pocket attached to the book covers on the right hand side of the tunnel have a further 6 photographs printed on Fotospeed Matt Ultra 240. They depict the extent of the destruction of the forest. The concertina book measures 202mm h x 143mm w extending to 600mm w. On the left hand side of the tunnel is a small handmade pamphlet booklet printed on Hahnemuhle 100gsm rice paper held within a circle envelope. The pamphlet booklet has a short explanation behind the artists’ book creation. The artists’ book cover when closed measures 325mm w x 223mm h x 80mm d. It is made of 3 hard backs covered in handmade batik rustic paper from Nepal and the outer hard back is covered in a photograph printed on Hahnnemuhle 100gsm rice paper. The closure is made of a handmade ceramic button which is attached to a suede cord to form the closure. The endpapers, circle envelope and concertina pocket are all made from Batik Rustic paper.

£390 (SOLD)




Wrap around cover for ‘Enclosure’.

Bone clasp detail.

The book and wrap around cover.

Hemp leaf binding detail.

Hemp leaf binding detail.

Book interior.

Book interior 3 page gatefold.

Image from the book.

Image from the book.

About the book.

ENCLOSURE (2022) is a collaborative project with the photographer David Baker. Between March 2020 and November 2021 David made photographs of the 30 or so mature trees that surround home in rural North East Aberdeenshire. We decided that a Japanese style book would suit the photographs and so we chose to make a stab bound book using hemp-leaf binding (asa-no-ha toji) with a traditional wraparound short-sleeve case (hansode chitsu). This is the first time that I’ve made a book for another photographer and the first time that I’ve made a Japanese stab bound book.

Details: ‘Enclosure’ is a handmade Japanese stab bound book with handmade wraparound case. The book measures 240mm w x 250mm h and has 2 hard backs covered in hand painted in black acrylic on jaconette calico. It is bound in ribbon using a hemp-leaf pattern with brass eyelet detail. The first and final pages are hand painted in a mix of crimson and burnt sienna acrylics on jaconette calico. There are 16 pages of fine art black and white photographs printed by David on Awagami 170gsm bamboo paper. The pages measure 188mm w x 243mm h and the images measure 102mm w x 127mm h. The book also features a 3 sheet gate fold section. Each photographic print has a red hand painted jaconette calico sheet attached which was then bound to into the spine of the book.

The hard backed wraparound cover measures 255mm w x 257mm h and is covered in hand painted red jaconette calico with black book cloth lining. It features the traditional Japanese clasp made from handmade cut bone with handmade black book cloth attachments. When open the case measures 700mm w x 257mm h




Flower press structure that contains the book.

Flower press structure that contains the book.

Flower press lid removed to show the book inside.

Book interior detail.

Book cover and interior.

Page detail of pressed flowers.

About the book.

IMMERSE YOURSELF IN NATURE [2020] is a hard backed concertina artists’ book held within a handmade flower press structure. The book contains pressed common vetch leaves and flowers that I gathered from the verges on my daily walks in May 2020. As with many wild flowers that grow on the verges they seem unremarkable little plants until you take the time to really look at them.

Details: A handmade artists’ book consisting of 5 pages of pressed common vetch leaves and flowers on Daler Rowney fine grain 200gsm paper; the sheets are connected with paper hinges to form the concertina book interior; 2 hard backs covered in Cyanotype handmade Lokta paper from Bhutan; The flower press is made from the same materials as the book covers and are held together with 4 brass screws with wing nuts. Dimensions are w 220mm x h 225mm x d 20mm

This is a one-off artists’ book.

£95 (free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order ‘Immerse Yourself In Nature’ or if you would like to know more about the book.




‘Jackdaws’ concertina book opened.

Interior pages.

The book extended.

Image from the book

‘Jackdaws’ book cover.

Image from the book

About the book.

JACKDAWS (2021) is my first collaborated project with the photographer David Baker - “There are perhaps 30 or so pairs of jackdaws that live amongst the mature trees in our north east Aberdeenshire garden. The photographs are a direct response to Kim Jungman’s book “Can you hear the wind blow?”

Details: ‘Jackdaws’ is a handmade concertina hard backed book featuring 9 photographs with images measuring 5 x 4 inch (103 x 125 mm) on Epson UltraChrome archival pigment prints on A4 (210 x 297 mm) Awagami Bamboo 250gsm paper and printed by David. The two hard backs are covered in Atlantic Gulf book cloth with photo detail on the front cover and Bockingford watercolour endpapers. The book measures 224 mm (W) x 205 mm (H) x 25 mm (D) with the concertina extending to 1,200 mm when opened. The book can be viewed as a traditional book or as an opened concertina.

The book is made in an edition of 3 plus a handling copy. (1 editioned book remaining)

£145 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order ‘Jackdaws’ or if you would like to know more about the book.




Handmade box containing the book.

The box opened to show the book inside.

The box interior with book removed.

The book interior.

The book interior.

Title page of the book.

Image from the book.

Image from the book.

About the book

STRANDLINE KELP [2020] is a ledger type artists’ book contained within a handmade box which is integral to the book as not only does it echo the book design, but it also has the book’s photographed subjects, dried kelp, which is displayed as a sculptural piece on the box lid. The dried kelp I gathered came from the strandline on a Tiree beach and they have the most beautiful shapes. I photographed them abstractly to emphasise their shapes and shadows to create a cohesive collection of images sequenced to form the content of this artists’ book. The natural raffia book binding compliments the textures and colours of the kelp.

Details: A handmade artists’ book consisting of 17 colour inkjet prints on Hahnemuhle 100gsm rice paper with prints measuring w 295mm x h 95mm; two soft covers of Chiyogami Blue Melville hand printed Japanese paper; title page printed on handmade natural Lokta paper; a bevelled edge to the pages adds to the textures and helps the viewer to turn them as the rice paper is fairly delicate. The handmade box measures w 510mm x h 130mm x d 80mm and is covered in dark blue book cloth with a Chiyogami paper strip detail; the lid has a dried kelp sculpture that consists of the kelp used in the photographs; the interior is lined with Chiyogami paper and book cloth; the shelf that holds the book is also covered in the same Chiyogami paper.

This is a one-off book with integral box.

£350 (SOLD)




‘Where Loveliness Slumbers’ book structure.

Book cover with stick binding.

Book interior.

Page detail.

Book interior.

Image from the book.

Image from the book.

About the book

WHERE LOVELINESS SLUMBERS [2020] is a handmade photobook with stick binding technique that contains a set of 8 fine art black and white photographic prints. The set of photographs were taken on a bright sunny afternoon in mid March as the beech trees that overhang the gorge of the North Esk River in Angus, Scotland were beginning to spring back into life after their winter slumber. The photograph’s tones move from dark to light as the gorge begins to open up.

Details: A handmade photobook with 2 hard backs covered in Atlantic Gulf book cloth with dimensions of w 285mm x h 220mm; Daler Rowney white fine grain endpapers; Title page printed on Hahnemuhle Rice Paper 100gsm; Textured paper sheet detail; 8 fine art black and white inkjet prints on Fotospeed Natural Soft Textured Bright White 315; the print image measures 126mm x 126mm (5x5 inches). The book is bound using a beech tree stick and black silk thread.

This is a one-off book

£95 (SOLD)




‘Into the Distance’ book cover

Book interior with movable photographs.

Book structure.

Book with movable photographs.

About the book

INTO THE DISTANCE [2020] is a flag book with pocket frames that hold individual photographic prints of the Isle of Skye coast taken from both land and sea. The book is made in the style of an old photo album to compliment the printing technique of the photographs. Each pocket has an aperture showing a small landscape image, the photograph can also be removed from the pocket to reveal the complete landscape image thereby giving each photo 2 different dimensions. Each aperture is situated in a different position on the pocket according to the content of the individual photograph.

Details: A handmade flag book with 5 black card pocket frames containing 5 black and white photographs printed on Japanese Awagami 250gsm bamboo fine art paper. Each photograph measures w 175mm x h 127mm and the pockets measure w 220mm x h 150mm. The concertina is constructed from white Daler Rowney fine grain 200gsm paper. There are 2 hard backs covered in Atlantic book cloth and black card with the front cover having a photo detail printed on Awagami bamboo paper. The book measures w 225mm x h 150mm x d 20mm extending to 110mm.

This is a one-off book and comes with a presentation box.

£95 (SOLD)




‘Cabrach Doors’ interior

‘Cabrach Doors’ structure

Image form the book.

Image from the book.

About The Book

CABRACH DOORS [2017] The Cabrach is a remote area in Moray that is dotted with empty farm cottages that were abandoned due to excessive hardship caused by the loss of many of the working men who were killed fighting in The Great War.

These photographs are part of a five year project to record the remaining houses as they slowly deteriorate.

 Details:   A hard backed pamphlet book measuring w 115mm  x h 110mm; 15 interior photographs printed on Bockingford Inkjet Watercolour Paper; Jaconette calico endpapers; hard backs covered in St Jude paper with book cloth spine.

 Edition of 6 (1 remaining)

£60 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order ‘Cabrach Doors’ or if you would like to know more about the book.




Book interior showing removable photographs.

Book cover.

Book interior.

Book interior.

Image from the book.

About the book

ENCLOSURE [2020] is a double concertina artists’ book with pockets, showcasing my fine art photographs of drystone walls on the island of South Uist in the Outer Hebrides. I’ve long been attracted to stone walls and I find it fascinating that some of them are many hundreds of years old and their structures vary depending on the area of the country they were built.

The paper the photographs are printed on is very tactile and the photographs can be removed from the pockets to be viewed, and the sequence varied as the viewer would like. The structure of the book echos that of a stone wall and the theme of enclosure.

Details: A handmade double concertina book with pockets containing 8 black and white photographs printed on Japanese Awagami 250gsm bamboo paper. The image dimension is w 120mm x h 120mm and the paper dimension is w 127mm x h 178mm. The concertina and pockets are made of jaconette calico. 2 hard backs are covered in Atlantic book cloth with the front cover having a black and white photograph detail printed on Bockingford Inkjet 190gsm Watercolour paper. The endpapers are Daler Rowney fine grain 200gsm paper. The artists’ book measures w 285mm x h 195mm x d 10mm extending to 400mm.

This is a one-off book

£100 (SOLD)




Book interior extended

Book interior showing structure.

Book interior.

Book interior detail.

Book structure.

Image from the book.

About the book

TIDE LINES [2020] ‘Tide Lines’ is a panorama concertina artists’ book and it’s the first time that I’ve made a book using this structure which was originally devised by the book artist Hedi Kyle. By carefully cutting and folding the concertina, individual panels and hinges are formed onto which I then attached my sequenced photographs.

The photographs were taken on a remote beach at Rosinish on the island of Eriskay in the Outer Hebrides. It’s a sheltered bay so no big waves, but it was fascinating to see the subtle marks left on the sand as small waves slowly retreated as the tide went out. The sequence echoes the movement of the waves as they moved around individual rocks in the sand where I was standing. The concertina and book covers show the open Atlantic Ocean whose sea laps these shores.

Details: A handmade panorama concertina artists’ book consisting of 6 photographs printed on Fotospeed Matt Ultra 240 fine art photo paper attached to a concertina of inkjet printed photographs on Bockingford Inkjet watercolour 190gsm paper using Chroma 100 dye based inks. There are two hard backs that are printed with the same image, paper and inks as the concertina and the endpapers are inkjet printed with a photograph showing a tide line detail on the beach and the book’s title. The paper used for the endpapers is Hahnemuhle 100gsm fine art photo rice paper. When closed the book measures w 155mm x h 245mm and extends to 800mm when opened. The individual photographs measure w 122mm x h 122mm.

This is a one-off book.

£100 (SOLD)




Tunnel book interior extended.

Tunnel book interior.

Tunnel effect.

Tunnel book cover.

Tunnel book closed.

Handmade presentation box

Lokta Nepalese paper

About the book

VENTURE THROUGH [2020] This is my first artists’ book made this year and I chose one of my favourite book forms, the concertina tunnel book. I love that you can add another dimension to a 2D photograph. The photograph is of a beautiful old beech tree that I found surrounded by a large commercial conifer tree plantation reducing the light that reached it. The beech tree has a tumbled down stone wall behind it indicating that it once stood in open farm land where it would have been bathed in sunlight long before the conifers were planted.

Details: A handmade concertina tunnel book with the interior consisting of 10 photographs printed on Fotospeed Matt Ultra 240 fine art photo paper and attached to a concertina of the same image, cropped and printed on Bockingford watercolour 190gsm paper using ChromaLife 100 dye based inks; Book cover dimensions: w 300mm x h 203mm x d 85mm. 3 hard backs covered in Lokta handmade screen printed papers from the Kathmandu valley in Nepal with the 2 book spines covered in 100% cotton ‘Atlantic’ book cloth. Suede tie fastening with metal tree branch detail. The book comes with a handmade presentation box covered in Lokta Nepalese paper.

This is a one-off book.

£360 (SOLD)




‘Frosted Sands’ interior.

Book interior extended.

Book cover.

Image from the book.

About the book

FROSTED SANDS [2019] This book is part of an ongoing photo project of the National Nature Reserve Sands of Forvie in Aberdeenshire. The sand dunes are renowned for their shifting sands that are blown into towering dunes and is one of the largest dune systems in Britain. My photographs in this book were taken on a freezing January day where sand formations were highlighted by frost pockets with some lying snow.

Details: This is a handmade concertina fold book consisting of 2 hard back covered in hand painted jaconette calico with a photograph detail printed on Hahnemuhle fine art rice paper. Book cover dimensions: w 120mm x h 155mm x d 12mm. There are 7 pages, 6 of which are photographs inkjet printed onto Fotospeed Matt Ultra 240 fine art paper. The pages are joined with handmade hinges. Page dimension are: w 105mm x h 150mm with the images w 95mm x various heights the longest being 118mm. The concertina extends to w 500mm. The endpapers are cream Daler Rowney paper.


£60 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order Frosted Sands or if you would like to know more about the book.




Tunnel extended.

Tunnel effect.

Tunnel book interior.

About the book

Winter Woodland II [2019]   A commissioned book.

Details: The tunnel book dimensions; h. 210mm x w. 280mm x d. 30mm extending to 250mm when opened; 3 hard backs covered in handmade Indian paper with tree/gold leaf print design; buckram cloth hinges; handmade Tsasho Bhutanese endpapers; concertinas inkjet printed with winter trees image on Bockingford watercolour 190gsm paper using ChromaLife 100 dye based inks; tunnel winter trees images printed on Fotospeed natural soft textured 315 fine art paper; suede tie fastening with metal leaf detail.

£290 (SOLD)




Book open and extended.

Book extended showing structure.

Book open but not extended.

Book cover and photo cube.


Savoy Leaves [2019] A flag book with interlocking loops. The book is a photographic study of savoy cabbage leaves that have been pressed for 8 months. The accompanying photo cube is an additional way of viewing and displaying the images.

Details: The handmade book has 2 hard backs covered in Atlantic Cotton bookcloth ‘Atlantic Haze’. Concertina is made from Daler Rowney fine grain 200gsm paper. Photographs are inkjet printed on Bockingford watercolour inkjet archival 190gsm paper. Dimensions: h 305mm x w 120mm extending to 450mm. The handmade cube is constructed from book board covered in jaconette calico. The photographs are inkjet printed on Bockingford watercolour inkjet archival 190gsm paper. Dimensions: 80mm x 80mm.

This a one-off book and photo cube.

£150 (SOLD)




‘Autumn Salix’ extended.

Page detail.

Detail showing box and attached pages.

The book inside the box.

Box cover removed.

About the book

Autumn Salix [2019] The willow (salix) wood near my home was completely cut down last week and that prompted me to make an artists’ book from pressed leaves that I’d collected from the wood in autumn 2017 as a permanent reminder of those lovely trees. When I was collecting them I chose the fallen leaves that had interesting marks on them caused by caterpillars feeding in the summer when the leaves were soft and succulent.

Details: A matchbox style handmade artists’ book with concertina book interior. Box dimensions: w 145mm x h 110mm. Hard covers in handmade screen printed Kathmandu Nepali paper over book boards. Concertina pages: six sheets of Daler Rowney 120gsm fine grain paper connected with individual hinges to form concertina. Each sheet measures w 135mm x h 95mm and has 5 pressed salix leaves attached. The book extends to 650mm when opened. A tab is attached to the concertina for ease of opening.

This is a one off book.

£90 (SOLD)




Book page detail.

Book page detail.

The book opened to show the structure.

The contents of the box with the book opened.

The box lid removed.

The lids removed from the exterior and interior box.

The box lid removed showing the interior.

The handmade box.

Image from the book.

Image from the book.

About the book

Hough Bay, Tiree [2019] Hough Bay lies on the Hebridean island of Tiree’s most westerly point facing the Atlantic Ocean. |t’s a lovely remote spot and I spent many happy hours taking photographs and beach combing picking up beautiful pebbles. While I walked up and down the beach I had an idea that I would like to make an artists’ book from the images I was making and I also wanted to show them with some of the physical objects found on that beach that day. The result is this custom made presentation box containing the book, some of the little pebbles and a glass bottle containing sand from the beach.

Details: Presentation Box Dimensions w 175mm x h 200mm x d 70mm handmade and covered in Chiyogami hand screen printed paper from Japan lined with Saunders Waterford watercolour textured paper. Presentation Box Interior contains handmade artists’ book, glass bottle with cork top containing Hough Bay sand (d 40mm x h 80mm). Handmade box with lid containing the pebbles (w 60mm x h 80mm). Artists’ Book Description: The form of this artists’ book is a flag book with folded pages. w 147mm x w 95mm; 2 hard backs covered in Chiyogami paper; concertina made from vintage watercolour paper; 10 photographs inkjet printed on to Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 fine art paper with handmade hinges; endpapers both with hand cut map of Tiree showing position of Hough Bay. Book signed and dated.

This a one off book with handmade presentation box.

£360 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order Hough Bay, Tiree or if you would like to know more about the book.




About the books

Land Lines Triptych [2019] In 2017 I moved from a house on the outskirts of Aberdeen surrounded by a large area of native woodland, to a house in rural Aberdeenshire bordered by open fields. Land Lines is my photographic response to my new surroundings, recording the patchwork of fields and the marks left on the land by farming practices. There are three elements within my photographs; tracks, furrows and boundaries. To conclude this part of the Land Lines photo project I have made a triptych of artists’ books using three different concertina forms each of which covers the individual elements. The books are contained in a handmade custom box. Many of the images printed in the books can be seen in Land Lines on this website.

Details: FURROWS is a concertina book with signature pages sewn into the concertinas. I chose this book form as I felt the concertinas resemble the furrows in the fields. Book dimensions: h 175mm x h 220mm x d 85mm. Page dimensions: h 165mm x w 210mm. Average image dimension: h 115mm x w 170mm. 3 signatures of 6 pages sewn into the valleys of the concertina. 31 colour and black and white prints. Inkjet printed on Bockingford double sided watercolour paper 190gsm acid free and archival. 2 hard backs covered in Judd St Gallery Paper- Jonathan Gibbs, plus 100% cotton book cloth - Atlantic Gulf. Daler Rowney white fine grain endpapers. Black deckled edge detail on hinges and title page. Signed and dated.

BOUNDARIES is a concertina book with 5 concertina hard backed covers and 3 interior concertinas displaying the images. The hard backed covers represent boundary lines in the landscape. Book dimensions: h 185mm x w 240mm x d 55mm extending to 780mm. Interior concertinas consist of 8 individual images printed double sided to enable the book to be viewed from all angles. Page dimensions: h 165mm x w 210mm. Average image Dimensions: h 110mm x w 170mm. Inkjet printed on Bockingford double sided watercolour paper 190gsm acid free and archival. Additional images (printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 fine art paper) displayed on the interior hard backs: Paper dimensions h 105mm x w 90mm. Image dimensions: h 80mm x w 70mm. 5 Hard backs covered in Judd St Gallery Paper - Jonathan Gibbs plus 100% cotton book cloth - Atlantic Gulf. Daler Rowney white fine grain endpapers. Black deckled edge detail on hinges, hard backs and title page. Signed and dated.

TRACKS is a double concertina book with a single signature sewn into the first concertina page. When extended, the shape of the concertina reminded me of the tracks left on the land by heavy farm vehicles. Book dimensions: h 134mm x w 300mm x d 25mm extending to 870mm. Paper dimensions: h 125mm x 142mm. Average image dimensions: h 90mm x w 115mm. Inkjet printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 fine art paper. Hard backs covered in Judd St Gallery Paper - Jonathan Gibbs plus 100% cotton book cloth - Altantic Gulf. Daler Rownety white fine grain endpapers. Black deckled edge detail on hinges and title page. Signed and dated.

THE PROJECT BOOK is a concertina book with 5 wallets that hold individual cards describing the project, the three elements of furrows, tracks and boundaries and a certificate of authenticity. Book dimensions: h 130mm x w 130mm. Wallet dimensions: h 120mm x 120mm. Card dimensions (printed on Bockingford double sided watercolour paper 190gsm): h 110mm x w 100mm. Cover image dimensions (printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285 fine art paper): h54mm x w 80mm. Hard backs covered in 100% cotton book cloth - Atlantic Gulf with Daler Rowney white fine grain endpapers. Black deckled edge detail. Signed and dated.

PRESENTATION BOX is a handmade partitioned box to hold the triptych of books and the project book. Box dimensions: h 375mm x w 505mm x d 110mm. Covered in 100% cotton book cloth - Atlantic Gulf. Interior walls covered in white jaconette calico. Lines with Daler Rowney white fine grain paper.

This is a one-off set of books

£2300 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order Land Lines Triptych or if you would like to know more about the books.




Portfolio interior with booklet and prints removed.

Portfolio prints.

About the portfolio.

Gannet: Tiree [2018] Walking along a remote beach on the island of Tiree in the Hebrides, I came across the body of a gannet just above the tide line. There was an approaching storm, and strong winds were slowly covering the body of the gannet with sand. I was immediately struck by the shape the gannet had taken as if it was hovering on an updraft as it may have done in life. The colours on the bird, the sand, pebbles and the seaweed worked perfectly together as if they were deliberately assembled to please the eye. I have matched the tones with the book papers and book cloth to complement the images. The following day after the storm had passed I walked the same beach to take more photographs but the bird had gone, either covered with sand or washed out to sea.

Details: Portfolio dimensions; h 232mm x w 320mm; 650mm when opened; hard backs covered in Japanese Chiyogami paper with buckram book cloth hinge; endpaper printed on Bockingford inkjet watercolour paper 190 gsm; wallet handmade with Fabriano pastel paper and buckram book cloth hinge detail; 6 A4 photographs printed on Hahnemuhle fine art rice paper 100gsm; accompanying hand stitched booklet with text h. 140mm x w. 100mm printed on Bockingford inkjet watercolour paper; booklet cover printed on Hahnemuhle fine art rice paper 100gsm.

This is a one-off book.

£115 (SOLD)




‘Land Lines’ interior extended.

'The book extended showing cover.

‘Land Lines’ cover image.

About the book

Land Lines  [2018]  It is an introductory book produced to accompany my Land Lines project originally created for The Stills Gallery Book Market, Edinburgh. 

Details: Hard backed concertina book with 7 images; h 110mm x w 180mm extending to 500mm; front covered with printed image on Bockingford watercolour paper 190gsm; back covered with black paper; interior printed on Bockingford watercolour paper 190gsm using dye-based ChromaLife100 inks; individual prints connected with handmade hinges to form concertina; black acrylic painted paper line with deckled edge woven through the concertinas and round the back cover.

£80 (SOLD)




‘Winter Woodland’ interior with tunnel extended

The book covers.

About the book

Winter Woodland [2018]  Exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2019, this is a concertina tunnel book with 9 individual prints of a single image I took in late March at Clashindarroch Forest in Aberdeenshire. A circular area is removed from the centre of each image with a decreasing diameter that forms the tunnel.

Details: Book dimensions; h. 210mm x w. 280mm x d. 30mm extending to 250mm when opened; 3 hard backs covered in handmade Indian paper with tree/gold leaf print design; buckram cloth hinges; handmade Tsasho Bhutanese endpapers; concertinas inkjet printed with winter trees image on Bockingford watercolour 190gsm paper using ChromaLife 100 dye based inks; tunnel winter trees images printed on Fotospeed natural soft textured 315 fine art paper; suede tie fastening with metal leaf detail.

 Limited edition of 2

£290 (SOLD)




The flag book opened and extended.

The book cover.

The image used in the flag book.

About the book

Tree Line [2018] A commissioned flag book with a photograph chosen by the collector from my Land Lines photo project.

Details: Hard backed flag book of a single image. 6 flags wide and 4 flags deep. Images printed on Ice Duo Matte 320gsm. Concertina image printed on Hahnemuhle Rice Paper 100gsm. Hard backs covered in hand painted jaconette with Payne's Grey acrylic with hand painted torn line in black acrylic.

£125 (SOLD)




The book interior.

The book interior with photograph scrolls removed.

About the book

Venation [2018] is an artists' book that explores the vein like structures of fallen holly leaves that I found in my garden in winter. I've pressed the leaves and included them in a small bound book within the artists' book. Before pressing the leaves I photographed them in close detail, printed them on rice paper, scrolled them and then attached them to the artists' book. The leaves are arranged to show the stages as the leaf structure breaks down to reveal the venation. 

Details: Hard backed artists' book containing a 6 page hand bound book and 5 photographic print scrolls. Hard backs covered in Nepalese handmade batik rustic paper with buckram cloth hinges; h 160mm x w 195mm x d 50mm; Bhutanese hand made paper and lokta fibre sheet mix endpapers; hand bound book containing 8 pressed holly leaves on jaconette calico pages; lokta fibre sheet covers; 5 hand made cylinders consisting of layers of batik rustic paper (to contain scrolls); photographic prints on Hahnemuhle rice paper 100gsm using dye based inks.

This is a one-off book

£160 (SOLD)




Tunnel book opened and extended.

The book covers.

The image used in the tunnel book.

About the book

 Woodland Tunnel Book  [2017]  Hard backed concertina tunnel book with 6 individual prints of a single image each with a circle area removed with decreasing diameter to form the tunnel; h 230mm x w 290mm extending to 150mm when opened; 3 hard back panels covered in Japanese Chiyogami paper with Buckram cloth hinges; handmade Indian endpapers; black card concertina; images printed on Permajet Photo Art Silk 290 fine art paper; suede tie fastening with metal leaf detail.

This is a one-off book

£180 (SOLD)




‘Feathers’ book opened and extended.

The book’s covers and book opened.

About the book

Feathers [2017]   Seabird feathers photographed on a South Uist beach in the Outer Hebrides. The series shows different feathers that gradually become transparent over time. 

Details: Hard backed concertina book with 7 images; h 110mm x w 180mm extending to 500mm; front and back covered with Japanese Chiyogami paper; interior printed on Bockingford watercolour paper 190gsm using dye-based ChromaLife100 inks; individual prints connected with handmade hinges to form concertina.

Limited edition of 9 (5 remaining)

£60 (Free shipping UK)

Please use the contact form if you would like to order Feathers or if you would like to know more about the book.




The flag book opened and extended.

Book cover.

About the book

Green Wave  [2017]  A flag book consisting of 5 individual photographic prints cut into 3 sections and attached to a small concertina. When the book is opened the flags reveal a single image.

Details: h 185mm x w 120mm extending to 320mm; 2 hard backs covered in Buckram cloth; concertina made of Fabriano pastel paper; cover, interior and endpaper images printed on Permajet Photo Art Silk 290 fine art paper using dye-based ChromaLife100 inks.

£120 (SOLD)